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Munksjö employees’ teams up for Tour DeCore fourth edition

From April 5th to May 10th, Munksjö employees worldwide will embark on Tour DeCore, an incredible 17,800 km journey of unity and impact!

Munksjö employees’ teams up for Tour DeCore fourth edition

It is the fourth consecutive year of the challenge. The aim is for each employee, in their location, to walk, run, or pedal to sum up kilometers to the team to exceed this distance together in up to 35 days, breaking last year’s record and demonstrating the power of collective effort.

As the team pedal forward, Munksjö is not only promoting healthier habits but also solidarity. For every kilometer conquered, the company will donate to a social cause. If the team exceeds the target within the deadline, the donation will be increased, amplifying the impact beyond the finish line.

Tour DeCore is far more than a physical feat. It’s proof of the remarkable outcomes when individuals come together for a shared purpose, regardless of location, nationality, or role. Like in business, we’re joining forces towards a common goal, aware that together, there is no limit to how far we can go.

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